7 minutes Exercise to Flatten Your Belly Fat
" Is exercise good for you? Do you know you? Exercise boosts your good feelings and makes your happy. Exercise also improves your intimacy life and makes your life happier. "
Many people admire other person’s body shape for having slim waist and nicely shaped. Women like to pamper themselves by trying on different dresses to look beautiful. Sometimes, they get disappointed if the dress doesn’t fit them or someone say that they are oversized."
" Is exercise good for you? Do you know you? Exercise boosts your good feelings and makes your happy. Exercise also improves your intimacy life and makes your life happier. "
Statistically, the obesity level is increasing in many countries around the world. It’s a serious problem as more younger age group of people are falling into this category. Looking at these opportunities, more fitness coaches, gym centers, online coaches and diet products started to flood the market. Too many people keep trying on many methods but fail to achieve their objectives.
Nutritionist recommend that if you can eat 500 less calories than your daily requirement everyday you are going to be losing about 0.45kg every 7 days. Technically, it’s about 0.9kg every fortnight. Our body uses energy in three ways - when we are active, when we are resting and when we are eating. When we are active, our muscles need energy to walk, run and lift up things. When we are resting, our heart need to pump blood throughout the body, our lungs to breathe and brain to think. When we are eating digestive organ and system need energy to breakdown the food components and store food for future use.
What is Belly fat?
A study conducted by Department of Nutritional Sciences (University of Toronto) found that huge belly fat can heighten the risk of dying from critical diseases. The to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Abdominal fat are stored in two major forms : subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is visible type below the skin. Visceral fat is embedded deep within abdomen and wraps around the organs.
To flatten belly fat is to modify your diet and start exercising more. When you lose weight by eating less, you will be losing muscle mass as well as fat, and this can decrease your metabolic rate. Metabolism rate is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight and building muscle mass.
Another study published in the British Medical Journal (September, 2020) found that big belly may be increasing the risk of premature death. The study shows that for every 10cm of added waist size, the probability of early mortality increase by 11%.
Body mass index provides a simple score based on your height, weight, age and gender, which then classifies you in one of five brackets – underweight, normal weight, overweight, obese or very obese. The calculated BMI figure indicates the distribution of body mass per parameter of height. If your BMI falls anywhere between 18.5 and 25 is considered in the healthy range. Below 18.5 is underweight, 25 to 30 is overweight, 30 to 40 is obese and above 40 is very or morbidly obese. The formula to calculate BMI is as below:
Body Mass Index = Weight
(B) Waist to Height Ratio (WtH)
WtH ratio is measured by taking the height metrics and waist circumference. It’s a good indication of whether you are carrying too much fat. If your waist circumference is greater than half of your height then you are at increased risk of health problems.
To measure your ttH ratio take a piece a of string and measure your height. Then fold the string in half and wrap it around your waist. Assuming that the halved string isn’t long enough to equate the circumference of your waist then your waist is over 0.5 and needs some attention. It means you need to reduce your belly fat the amount of gap available.
Waist to Height ratio = ½ x Height
Belly fat is a stubborn fat which needs lots of effort to trim down. Do these exercises in progression each and every day for 6 days per week. Offer yourself a 1-Day reprieve once per week to give your body sufficient time to rest. Continue this workout for 2-weeks and your will definitely see the changes on your belly.
1) Reduce carbs intake
2) Stop taking sugar or sweet drinks
3) Stop eating junk food
4) Stop eating processed food
5) Exercise 7-minutes everyday
Watch the video above which focuses on 7-minutes exercise and each exercise takes only 1 minute of your time. Seven types of exercises proven to be helpful and personal had helped me to reduce weight and belly fat. Start with 30 seconds to a minute of warm-up and then perform these exercises for 7 minutes and interval of 15 seconds resting time: 1) Flutter kicks 2) Reverse crunch 3) Hill climbing 4) Lunges front kicks 5) Cycling 6) Bench hops 7) Plank. Upon completing, perform 30 seconds to 1 minute of cool down exercises such as stretching and muscle relaxing activities. When you perform these exercises, you will gain the followings:
- Full-body workout Burn calories and shed belly fat
- Improve your endurance Strengthen your core
- Great cardio boost
- Improve your core stability
- Improve your mobility
- Engage your upper arms muscles
- Firm the hip muscles
- Activate the upper abdominal muscles
- Tone your thighs
- Tone your glutes muscles
Hope this article is helpful to you to achieve your objective of belly fat flattening.
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